
2500 sqm
Plot Size
Private House
Itay Sikolski
Plot Size
2500 sqm
Private House
Itay Sikolski
House on the mountain
plot in the Carmel mountains we built a new House for a family with 3 children. The plot is next to a reserve with remains of ancient stone buildings. The whole area is in natural woodlands. The building is composed of several stone buildings scattered on the ground. The style of the new buildings emulates the style of the traditional construction. Flat roof floats and connects the various stone structures. In the heart of the complex is another stone building – the living room. The living room sits in a different angle than the rest of the buildings. Glass vitrine up to the floating structure level, is separating the inside and outside. Trees typical to the area planted between the buildings. The collection of stone buildings, the natural woodlands, and the entry of the outside through the glass vitrine, gives the feeling of living in a complex surrounded by natural woodlands.

A view of the living room